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An Endangered Species Reverdin's Blue, that Nagano Works of NTN Corporation is Working on Conservation Activity, is Breeding Steadily

Time:08 Oct,2024


Confirmed 488 adult insects between May and September 2024 and contribute to conserve biodiversity

Nagano Works (Minowa-machi, Kamiina-gun, Nagano Prefecture, Japan), a production site of NTN Corporation (hereafter, NTN), has confirmed the emergence of 488 Reverdin's Blue, an endangered species in Japan, between May and September this year.

Nagao Works involves in the conservation of the Reverdin's Blue as a CSR activity, and the population has been steadily increasing since the activity started in 2019.

In 2019, Nagao Works signed a “Biodiversity Conservation Partnership Agreement” with Nagano Prefecture, and in cooperation with Shinshu University and nature conservation organizations in the prefecture. Nagano Works is working to protect the Reverdin's Blue, whose population has been declining in recent years, is designated as “Japanese Red Lists released by the Ministry of the Environment Endangered (EN).” Since 2019, Nagao Works has established a protected area on the site and has been working on breeding Reverdin's Blue under the guidance of nature conservation organizations and Shinshu University by planting the food plant, conducting egg laying tests, and cutting the grass in the protected area. The eggs laid by five females transferred from a neighboring protected area hatched in April 2020, and Nagao Works observed emergence for the first time in June of the same year*1. Since then, Nagao Works has continued to conduct egg laying tests, observe overwintering of eggs, and nurture food plant to ensure a steady increase in the number of insects, and from May to September of this year, Nagao Works confirmed 488 adult insects, the largest number to date. Press release on July 2, 2020: Nagano Works Succeeded Emergence of Reverdin's Blue https://www.ntnglobal.com/en/news/press/news202000034.html Nagano Works also holds hands-on learning for local high school students on the conservation of the Reverdin's Blue. Through the experience of releasing adult insects into protected areas for egg laying, Nagano Works conveys the importance of biodiversity conservation. In addition to that, Nagao Works provides support for Reverdin's Blue observations in the prefecture held by the conservation organizations. Through this activity, Nagano Works will continue to work on increasing the population of Reverdin's Blue and educating people about biodiversity to contribute to the realization of a sustainable “NAMERAKA Society” in which people and nature are in harmony.

Shanghai Jiaqing Bearing Manufacturing Co. Ltd.

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